What Matters More…
Property tax in Clifton is extremely high and we need to look at means to stabilize our taxes. Ours seniors, retirees, and young families have shared with me that this is a major issue of affordability during these rough times. Families are being forced to pay for the repairs of sidewalks and pay a separate sewage bill which is not in the best interest of taxpayers. Clifton pays 25% of the county taxes, but does not received the services expected from the county government which is a concern to many taxpayers. On day one, I will seek support for an independent financial audit of the books to correlate all appropriations and expenditures by department.
- As a child, I recalled my classmates and I wanted to become a Teacher, Firemen, or Police Officer, but thanks to their critical erosion theories that’s no longer the case for today’s children. We are a country of laws and without our law enforcement our Country as we know it will cease to exist. Police officers are men and women in our community, they are friends and families in our community that need our support to protect our community. My opponents claims to protect the blue, but they are passing laws that prevent law enforcement from doing their job. When elected, I promise to fight to maintain immunity for law enforcement and provide additional funding to meet the needs of our community to make sure that our families are safe to walk to the local parks.
Taxes are paid for services in return so reducing services will no reducing taxes. Therefore, the push by the current council to reduce the services provided is not in the best interest on Clifton. This will lead to a major standard of living issue throughout the community. If this is an expenditure issue, then the right thing to do is put out the garbage contract for a bid or investigate to capabilities of shared services as a solution. However, if these options fail probably Clifton do a feasibility study to see if owning our own trucks would be the best route to reduce cost while providing top service to our community.
Overdevelopment is destroying our community and our standard of living. So, on day one I will file a motion to halt all the issuance of all permits for large scale developments. It is imperative that planning and zoning laws be revisited to make sure that these laws truly represent both sides of Main Avenue.
It is imperative that we work to expand our recreation programs to meet the needs of our community.
I have heard from many families that sewage backed up in their homes with no resolution. Other have brought to my attention that their basement floods every time it rains or that some streets are unbearable when it rains. While other say that they have been getting brown water from their pipe for years. These are relatable issues for many family and many are afraid to come forward. All aspect of public and the private sector operates from a strategic plan which is a roadmap for the future. On day one, I will be pushing for the development of Strategic Plan for Clifton this will allow future government to follow a plan and appropriate funding in a fiscally responsible manner where feasible by planning.
The decision to separate the sewage bill from the taxes was not in the best interest of the taxpayers and another bill was given to homeowners with additional increase in their taxes. If moved back into the taxes, then homeowners would be able to deduct this in their taxes and get the additional needed break that is so needed during these difficult financial times.
Taxes are paid for services in return so reducing services will no reducing taxes. Therefore, the push by the current council to reduce the services provided is not in the best interest on Clifton. This will lead to a major standard of living issue throughout the community. If this is an expenditure issue, then the right thing to do is put out the garbage contract for a bid or investigate to capabilities of shared services as a solution. However, if these options fail probably Clifton do a feasibility study to see if owning our own trucks would be the best route to reduce cost while providing top service to our community.
During the Pandemic government failed the small business sector by prioritizing large corporations for small businesses. Most sat back and watch the blatant abuse of power while 40% of small business shuttered and did nothing to push back in support. In Clifton, we need to request for small economic zones and support the growth of these zones by reducing regulations on small businesses to help then by successful.
Accordion Content
Members elected to council should self-impose term limits of two consecutive four-year terms in office, but may run again after a four-year and by doing this it will allow for new members with new ideas as well as provide oversight of our system.
- This country was founded on the principle of freedom, which includes the right citizens have to defend themselves against a domestic or foreign threat. The Constitution of the United States clearly defines this freedom in the 2nd Amendment of the Bill of Rights. This law of the land is non-negotiable and should also be the law of New Jersey. The 2nd Amendment is a Constitutional Right and my opponents have been eroding our rights to bear arms with every anti-gun legislation and this Governor has never seen an anti-gun Bill that he doesn’t like. When elected, this will change immediately and the Rights to Bear Arms will have a true representative in Trenton.
- My Body My Choice and not the political operatives in Trenton. It is our right to choose what is put into our body and not the government nor Big Pharma. My opponents have been a part of the movement to force their beliefs on us and when elected I promise to fight for our medical freedom. When elected, I promise to fight to the highest courts to expand medical freedom and make sure that our children’s rights are upheld.
- The State of NJ is the largest employer in the State and this is by design. The New Jersey economy is nothing without small businesses. New Jersey was once a booming economic powerhouse and thanks to terrible regulation & taxes this is no longer the case. Speaking of taxes, the politicians have taxed the larger corporations out of existence in the State and now they are after the small businesses as well. It is a no-brainer folks, the more people that are dependent on the system the more power the political bosses have as residents will be forced to join the line for a political job and handouts. Small business owners, I promise you that when elected, I will do everything in my power to eliminate these bad regulations and taxes that are preventing the economic growth that our State is deeply in need of.
- As children, our parents provided our basic necessities and the government is replacing our rights to be parents to do the same. I believe that we are the best advocate for our children and not the bureaucrats in Trenton. It is my pledge, when elected, that I will fight vigorously to maintain the rights of parents and fight to repeal existing laws to limit our rights as parents.
The Special Needs Community should have an equal opportunity as all other nonprofit organizations in Clifton. However, this is also profit that there is more work that needs to be done through our recreation programs to be able to meet the needs of our community. I am fully supportive a shared services and partnership programs to be able to meet the needs of our community.
Parents want it and school officials despise it; due to funding. Most school districts have done an extraordinary job of providing a great education at a minimum cost per pupil. Unfortunately, some are failing to meet most parent’s standard of education so your zip code will decide the level of education that our children will receive. This controversial issue could be resolved by simply establishing a State budget line and allowing the free market to do the rest. On the other hand, my opponents have done everything to fund the same schools that parents are unhappy with the education system. I pledge, when elected, that I will fight for fair funding to meet the needs of our children and not allow a zip code to limit our children’s ability to be successful.
Religious Liberty is protected under our First Constitutional Right to free speech. It is your right and mine to worship freely, but this is being undermined by laws and collusion with Big Tech. When elected and taken the Oath of Office, I pledge to uphold the constitution and not to interpret it so I will make it my point of duty to protect the right therein.
Under the Social Security Act, the courts were granted access to destroy families for the sake of money. For every dollar that the courts bring in they will receive four times the amount making it a lucrative process for the courts and destructive one for families. This process is destroying families and turning parents against parents and with every court case the Judge primary resolves that a parent walks away paying child support. There are cases where this may be necessary, but the argument here is that every child needs both of their parents at all times or at the very least 50/50 percent of the time. The democratic party controlled legislature continues to present laws that are destroying family, but refuses the move the Bill up for a vote and the core reason it due to the facts highly that this is not about the best interest of the children, but more so the 4-to-1 match that the courts receives for each dollar that parents are made to pay through the system let’s provide every children with equal access to both of their parents at least 50/50 percent of the time when these cases goes before the courts. I pledge that when elected, I will fight to make sure that the system stops creating winners and losers for families by producing laws that put children first.
I truly believe that this decision should be the rights of parents and not the politicians. We the people must make a collaborative effort to remove politicians and bureaucrats from the decisions of family matters.
This is another example of governmental overreach. Some things should start at home and parents should be the one to expose their children to sensitive content when the child is ready. This is yet another attempt to replace the parents and when elected I will introduce legislation to eliminate CRT from the curriculum.
As a child, there are some things that should be discussed at home, period. It is the responsibility of parents to discuss these matters in the home regarding their position and not the schools. This is an overreach by the Department of Education and the lack of oversight by the State School Board. Parents are attending their local Boards of Education meeting to protest these decisions. I stand with the parents and agree that this is no place for this in our schools and this is yet another means of indoctrination of children as well as the infringement of parental rights. When elected, I pledge that I will challenge the unconstitutionality of these curriculums and the infringement of parental rights with all the power of my office.
An entire lifetime in government is just no good for our society and term limits are healthy for the Republic. It is imperative that the people are rightly represented and any individual that makes public office a career is doing a disservice to the people. Convention of State is a mechanism that will make certain that this no longer happens and something that I personally support. However, I can say that I will support the measure and guarantee you that my opponent cannot say the same thing that they believe in term limits. So, when elected, I pledge that I will be active to make sure that the people are truly represented.
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